Monday, June 29, 2009

What Were We Thinking??!!

So we thought we had a brilliant idea this week to go to DC Friday night rather than Saturday for the temple, and that we would get a hotel, swim and do the DC National Zoo in Saturday-you know, have a mini vacation and some much needed family time. So much for "brilliant"! It was a rough weekend! We had reserved the hotel before me and the kids got sick and so we HAD to still go and thought we could make the best of it. We got there around dinner time, ate, swam and then gave the kids some medicine for a "good" nights sleep and to feel better. It all started at 11:30 when Patch woke up. Then again at 1:00 and we got about 10 min of sleep every so often between 1:00 and 5:00!!! Patch just cried and couldn't get comfortable and Maddie was wide awake talking to no end! At one point, Mike and I just started laughing-what else do you do?!! So yeah, 5:00 we all got to sleep and then were all awake by 7:30. OY!! We didn't get to go to the temple Friday night due to getting there later than we thought we would so we ran over there and Mike went in. We then thought we would go home but our point was to have a good time as a family and so we went ahead to the Zoo. We didn't stay long-the kids were great-but we were all exhausted and not feeling good AT ALL. So home we went! The ride home is always interesting and it didn't let us down this time! Oh well! We had some family time and that's what counts! Wahoo! It is just funny now so no worries please!
Some Zoo pictures-the funny bathing elephant!


Aaron J said...

How many times did the Mad Frog puke in the car??

Build It,Sew It,Love It said...

So, I guess thats where that ol' saying comes from, "You need a vaction from your vacation. Hope you guys are on the mend. :)

Diane said...

Wow, so terrible!!! Trust me, the beach in August will be much better, and if not, we'll just leave the kiddos with Sherise and go anyway :)

Roberta said...

So sorry to hear about your awful night! Jimmy and I have learned that hotels are not fun when you have little ones! They're completely off of their routine, you worry about nasty floors and toilets, etc. etc.

Emily Green said...

Wow, you guys really stuck with it! Love the pics!

Debbie Lunt said...

Memories - Memories!!!