Monday, September 28, 2009

Nice and busy weekend...(Beware: long post with no pictures!)

Normally, I don't think of a busy weekend as being "nice" but this one was. Saturday, Mike and I got to go to the temple ALONE! Our wonderful friends took our cute kiddos so we didn't have to worry about swapping and so we could go in together! It was FABULOUS! Sure, I did miss the kids and was happy to see them but it was really a great trip. Traffic was surprisingly good so it was quick there and back. We got to do sealings...for those who don't know, the work we do in the temple is for those who have passed on from this life and never had the gospel. We are baptized for them and we also "seal" them to their families which means they can be with them through the eternities-never to part. It is their choice whether or not they actually accept that work done in their behalf. (If you have any more questions about it you can ask or visit: ) It was truly amazing though and the way I felt was indescribable as it always is when we go to the temple-it such a beautiful and peaceful place! We are so blessed to be as close as we are to one!
Following that we got t he kids home and for a couple hours we rested and then I headed off to a baby shower, which was fantastically done, and I was so happy for the mother to be-she made out like a bandit! Following that I headed over to the church and watched the General Relief Society Broadcast. (This is held once a year for all the women of the church throughout the world and we are lucky enough to hear from the women who "head" the organization and from one of the first presidency members...again you can visit for more info.) It was different than any that I have been to but still very good and I was glad to have gone. Thank you to my husband for taking care of the kids ALL afternoon and night so I could do these things...even though he needed to study-I LOVE YOU! So....long post with not a lot for you readers but it is nice for journaling! FAB weekend!
Oh, I almost forgot...I WAS RELEASED from my calling as Primary President on Sunday. I say that without an exclamation point because I was really sad! It was a great calling and an amazing opportunity to work with amazing woman as counselors and a secretary, amazing teachers and without a doubt the most amazing group of kids!!! They taught me a lot about patience love and being a child of God and to them I am forever grateful! With that being said, the new calling is...Gospel Doctrine teacher! AHHHHH! If anyone knows me very well they know that public speaking is NOT my thing let alone making sure something is taught! The Lord has a sense of humor is all I can say and I will be learning A LOT!!! From one extreme to the other-here goes nothing!


Kellie said...

I'm sure you'll be a great gospel doctrine teacher and learn a lot. That being said, that's one calling I never want.

Diane said...

You will be FABULOUS!!! I just wish I could be there to learn from you...

kelleen said...

Yoe were such a fantastic Primary Pres--I know you will make one awesome Gospel Doctrine teacher! The best part it that everyone you teach stays in their chairs AND pay attention most of the time :) I am so excited to be one of your "pupils"!

Kristal said...

It's always hard to be released from a calling you love. But you will do great as the Gospel Doctrine Teacher. I know you don't think that you are very good at teaching but you are a great teacher. I've seen you teach so I know that you are awesome. It probably won't always be easy but you are great at everything you do!

Lisa R said...

WOW! You are busy, now I feel lazy!!! You are an amazing woman! I can learn so much from you and your example!

Debbie Lunt said...

Hey sweetie - BREATH - Since I actually felt those exact feelings when I was called to that same position, I can say, it gets better. The Lord always blesses us in our callings when we include Him throughout our process! You will do a wonderful job. I love you so much and miss you. Every time I see the blog, I am in tears. I miss all of you so very much.
Have a great week and kiss those babies for me.

Megan and Jeff said...

Yeah, I can see why you would say, "AHHHHH" about the calling! But I know you will be a GREAT teacher! I'm sure by the time it ends, you'll love it. It's always fun to catch up on your blog. Sounds like you guys are having fun, with two VERY adorable kiddos!

Carrie said...

I am glad you and Mike were able to go to the temple alone. That is the best spiritual rejuvination there is. Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication as primary president. You truly were GREAT!!! Good luck with Gospel Doctrine. I know it's nerve wracking but after a couple of Sunday's it'll get easier.