Friday, July 23, 2010

Goofy Girl...

Yes, I know I am supposed to be blogging our trip like crazy right now.

Well, truthfully, I am tired.

 And we have been busy.

However, I couldn't pass up this funny little moment from my daughter...

Maddie: (laying in bed and looking at the ceiling)

"Jesus, is my Mommy having a boy or a girl baby?"

She pauses and does this funky blinking thing like she was communicating with her eyes...

"Jesus thinks you are having a girl baby, Mommy."

She then proceeded to say her prayers and bless Mommy to be having a girl baby.

What a goofy little girl.


Mandy Beyeler said...

well, is she right???

kelleen said...

super cute! Hope for her sake she has better luck with her wish than Chloe :) I love how little ones' minds work--they come up with the craziest things!

Jones Family said...

Between her & Mike...I think you might be having a baby girl!!! :)