Thursday, October 27, 2011


i let life slow down.
i enjoyed my kids more fully and didn't allow hurried-ness and stress to consume me.
 i ended early at the gym because i needed to see my kids and have them near me.
we walked to the park.
during said walk, i watched my beautiful children throw leaves in the air and then squeal excitedly as they ran through those swirling twirling leaves.
my little man preferred to hold my hand on that walk than to walk with maddie and her friend.
the wind blew perfectly and the sky was beautiful.
we had a picnic at the waterfront and that wind blew through our hair and brought giggles from my sweet maddie girl and watery eyes from a happy baby.
the water rippled from the wind and made the sun look like glitter dancing across the water.
i realized my little man is still just that, little...he still has the cutest baby pudge on his hands.
makinley realized she doesn't like sand on her feet-or in her mouth either.
the kids got "collections" on their way home and made pretty collages later.
today i realized i need to soak everything in everyday-as much as i can-because life is short and so uncertain. i have healthy children, an amazing husband (who is far beyond what i deserve), a home, we have a job, running vehicles, the gospel, a testimony of the Savior and
a whole lot of love in our life.

today i started hoping to better live everyday for today.

1 comment:

Carolina said...

So sweet. Thank you for posting!!!