Friday, May 29, 2009


While this is not Shoes, our Beta Fish, he looks very similar to this. Maddie got her fish when she didn't have potty accidents in her pants for a whole week...she waited until the 8th day! :) She named him Shoes and has had him for almost a year now. I wouldn't be blogging about him except I had to clean his bowl this morning...GROSS! I have cleaned it several times before but maybe I wasn't breathing those times! All I have to say is once this fishy dies-I am done with fish! It smelled like POO-a really nasty kind! I love this beautiful creature but luckily I have no real attachment to it! My hands still reek of it's nastiness, thankfully I love my daughter or Shoes would find a new home-in the toilet!


Jamison Family said...

Poor Shoes! My friend has a box turtle named "Pettie Pet Stinky Turtle". Kids give the best names!

Build It,Sew It,Love It said...

So I take it when Shoes swims his last lap in the fish bowl-you may not be the one giving the eulogy, Huh? LOL! They are pretty stinky!

Richardson Five said...

What moms do huh?! You are such a good one.

Kristal said...

I hate fish. I would rather Hannah have some kind of rodent like gerbils or hamsters.

Carrie said...

I had a beta fish once and they are fun to look at but they do stink! I love that Maddie named it shoes how cute! Now that you have a double jogger will you come run with me?

Colton Anne said...

I'll tell you the secret to killing him...sort of! Move! Kayley had one from Columbia from Grandma and we tried to move with him and was extra careful and he road next to me in the van and everything, well it apparently stressed him out and the second day we were moved into our house...he was a goner! I felt bad for Kayley, but it didn't take much for her to forget about him!