Thursday, May 28, 2009

What Do You Say...

"What do you say, in a moment like this? When you can't find the words, to tell it like it is. Just bite your tongue and let your heart lead the way."
I feel as though I have been biting my tongue for days and my heart is aching. Last Friday, we got some terrible news that some friend's of ours in Missouri baby passed away. He was 9 months old and from what we hear, that happiest little guy. It was kind of a random accident, one that once you hear about makes you worried each time you put your baby to bed with anything-no matter what age. How do you deal after that? I really have no words just sorrow and great gratitude for my children and for each day that I have with them. I went back and forth whether or not to post this but I needed an outlet, something other than just moping. The funeral was today and my mind has pretty much been nowhere else. I've kept busy but it was always there. We went to the park today and I just watched Maddie play and Patrick squeal with excitement and soaked in every moment. I cannot imagine my life without them , nor do I want to. My heart goes out to our friends and we know that the Lord will help them through this time. I love my children so much! I am so grateful for the love they give me even when I don't deserve it. I am grateful to the Lord for motherhood/parenthood. I am grateful for all the beautiful memories I have. I love you Madilynn and Patrick-you are our world!


kelleen said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friends--that is so hard to grieve for them, but also be traumatized yourself about the implications for your own. We'll keep you and tem in our prayers.

Build It,Sew It,Love It said...

So hard to watch your friends filled with heartache! We will keep them in our prayers.

Richardson Five said...

Life is so precious. Sorry to hear about your friends.

Kristal said...

I thought about them all day yesterday. That has to be the worst thing in this bury a child. I can't even imagine doing that.