Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sunday Fun

Sunday evening is probably my favorite time of the week. We get on comfy clothes, sometimes ugly, and we just spend time together reading books and Daddy usually "wrestles" with the kids. These kids absolutely adore their Daddy-as does their Mommy! :) They miss him a lot during the week so when time comes that he is home and not doing homework, they are all over him! Maddie always asks to be "tickowld" and lays on the floor until she gets tickled-then Patrick climbs over and joins in the fun. It's a blast...I love my little family!


Kristal said...

There's something very special about a father's relationship with his children. So much fun!

Carolina said...

Oh. wow. CUTE!!!! What a wonderful family - we should all be so lucky :)

Carrie said...

AHHH SUNDAY AFTERNOONS!!! THEY ARE THE BEST. I love napping then eating treats after. You guys for sure have the right idea:)