Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

the "old lady" wishes she was snoring!

Well, it technically isn't raining anymore but we had like 4 DAYS of rain this week! And I don't mean a little drizzle on each day; it rained all day of each of those days. The sun is out today and the temps have cooled-it is beautiful! However, the rain was beautiful! We were put on "mandatory water restrictions" this week, ironically enough with all the rain that we got. And now there is flooding in places. Maddie and Patrick watched the rain a lot...almost like they had never seen it. It was wonderful...and we had a good excuse to stay home and be lazy um relax.

I love this his little rain boots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bring that cute little Patchy here!!! This is a cute!!! pic...