Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow, Beautiful Snow!

I never had a clue that we were going to wake up to snow this morning, let alone enough to COVER the ground and make it a winter wonderland here! It's beautiful...or it was until we stomped our way through the easily melted white stuff. The kids were elated that there was actually enough to get all decked out and go play. Maddie instantly, well-once she realized it wasn't good for making a snowman-made a snow-angle, and did a great job. Patch tried but he preferred throwing snow at Mom. Yes, I was a trooper and headed out there too-maybe it would put me in labor??? ;) Mike gave me a funny look when he saw me start dressing in his clothes...HELLO, I don't have anything that fits of my own let alone for heading out in the snow! Then he just laughed-I was a sight to behold! It was a wonderful way to start out our day and our "Mommy and kids Only" week. I couldn't have picked a better time myself for the snow to come.

Now, about the snow that is supposed to hit next Sunday...please be light and like what we got today so we have no issues going and having our baby, thank you.

No, that is NOT a large storm cloud in the middle of our yard...yeah, that's me.

A hard worker like her Daddy

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