Thursday, September 15, 2011


This cute little lady seems to be developing a love for books,
especially Sissy and Bubba's sticker books.
(she loves to find them and pick the stickers off, it's funny to see how intent she gets on getting a one off)
She does like to pull them off of any shelf that she can find them, and then just sit int he pile and pick through them. She's such a little cutie!

She was quite disappointed when all the stickers were already off this page. So she moved on...

and I guess thought the Book of Mormon might be a better read??
(Notice her right (your left) hand)  :)


Erin said...

Such sweet moments! You're such a great photographer Shannon! I love when our babies concentrate- so cute!!!

Jody said...

Jaxson does the same thing, he will go into his room..and it will get really quiet and i will go check on him, and he is usually in the corner reading his books..and she is such a cutie!!